Proof that “He’s the One!”

December 4, 2012 at 12:07 am (Intro) (, , )

Sorry I’ve been pretty absent lately; work is keeping me absolutely hopping!  Tomorrow is the second day of my maternity leave, but I’m still going in for about 10 hours.  I think I need to reconsider the definition of “Maternity Leave,” specifically the “Leave” part.

Anyways, in 15 short days, Hubs and I will be celebrating our 3 year anniversary.  He has been such a trooper these 3 years, and especially these last 9 months during pregnancy.  As our anniversary approaches, I want to offer a few insights.

How you know you married the right guy:

1) He finds out that you call him Hubs online and takes to calling himself that around the house.

2) He randomly talks to your belly and reads it newspaper articles (if you are not pregnant, this may be something to be concerned about).

3) He knows you want to hop online in the morning, so he turns the computer on before starting to make his breakfast.

4) You work together and he tells you that he was sad when he came back to the office and realized you weren’t there.

5) He’s genuinely happy that you bought yourself a new purse (bonus points if you paid $13 and it was originally $80).

6) He notices that when you wake up in the middle of the night and goes to find you to make sure you are okay.

7) He hides how annoyed he is at waiting 2 hours at a doctor’s office because he knows you are annoyed too and doesn’t want to add to your stress.

8) He tells you to rest and put your feet up while he vacuums.

9) He is willing to get up extra early every Sunday to run powerpoint for church, and doesn’t complain about staying late to accompany you to a meeting afterwards. 

10) He doesn’t want you to go out and get him medicine late at night, even though he’s not feeling good, but admits that he would do it for you in a heartbeat.

I’m blessed folks. That’s all there is to it.  And I know he going to be an amazing dad when Little One arrives in less than 3 weeks.

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