Date in a Box…

January 20, 2012 at 12:07 am (Intro) (, , )

For Valentine’s Day, Hubs and I are going to trade presents and I finally figured out what I am going to get him…Date in a Box!

Allow me to explain: I am going to preplan 4-5 dates and put all of the information in separate envelopes.  On the outside the envelope might say “$30, evening, includes dinner” and inside might include a gift certificate for a local burger place and the money needed to buy our tickets for the drive-in.  The outside of the envelope will only identify the monetary value and the appropriate time of day, but inside will be all planned out!  I’ve figured out a few ideas so far, but need some help, so give me your ideas down below!

#1 $40, evening, 3-4 hours – two movie tickets and $25 for pizza across the street from the theater

#2 $20, daytime, includes meal – bowling and lunch/dinner at a place nearby

#3 $10, daytime – Park at a large local park, walk over to get gelato

#4 $25, evening – Drive in theater, money for snacks at concession stand

What else should I do? I’d also love to include some ideas for something a little more…..personal.

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