Pregnancy Scare #1

May 11, 2012 at 9:51 am (Intro)

Last summer we miscarried around 7 1/2 weeks, after finding out that Ducky had stopped growing at 6 1/2 weeks.  We went from a heartbeat, to a slowed heartbeat, to no heartbeat.  And when we saw there was no heartbeat left, we went ahead with an induced miscarriage with pills.

On Sunday (6 weeks even) I stopped feeling any morning sickness at all, not even queasy.  I was slowly getting my energy back, being less tired.  By Tuesday morning, my breasts were not tender at all.  And I’d been having some cramping.  Needless to say, I was getting a wee bit worried.  My insurance has a 24 hour nurses line, so Wednesday night I gave them a call.  The nurse talked through things with me and told me that with my history and the timing, she’d strongly recommend me seeing a doc and getting an ultrasound right away.  She was able to schedule me with a new doc the next morning (9 hours after the call I was in seeing a doc).

After several questions, she checked to see if she could see any blood at all in the vagina. None! (very good news!).  Then she did the ultrasound.  Everything looked good.  Snoopy (baby’s nickname) was measuring at 6w3d but it’s hard to get a super accurate measurement this early, so it’s okay that it was off by a day.  Also, we got to see the heartbeat. The doc said that she wished she had a crystal ball so that she could tell us that everything was going to be okay, but that it all looked good for now.  She did request some blood work to check my progesterone levels and later called me to tell me that they were lower than she wanted and so prescribed pills to be inserted twice a day until we hit 12 weeks.  I can do that. We’ll do follow up bloodwork on Monday to make sure my progesterone levels are rising.

I won’t feel completely comfortable until we have our next appointment at 7w5d and they do another ultrasound to make sure all is okay, but I’m feeling better.

It was a scary few days, not helped by the fact that Hubs is sick (it’s been a week!) and we both have allergies making us miserable. Plus work is pushing me pretty hard right now.  But that’s all okay, because I’m growing a baby, one that we’ll meet around Christmas who will make this all worth it.


  1. Stories from Austin said,

    My progesterone has been a little wonky in the past (preconception) and I’ve had it tested like, 6 times since Ive been pregnant and luckily it’s been high every time. I had something very, very similar happen to me with the symptoms disappearing around the 5.5 week mark. I FREAKED out. Luckily my levels were fine, but I really felt like I couldn’t relax until I got to the 10 week mark and my levels were still good. Until about 2 weeks ago, I would randomly “test” to see if my boobs still hurt–it was ridiculous, but I wanted to make sure the symptoms didn’t go away again. Hope everything goes well for you!

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